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Transformative Sessions


In Grethe's workshops, transformation and personal growth are at the forefront of everything we do! 🌟 These workshops offer a diverse range of experiences, designed to help you manifest your dreams, set healthy boundaries, communicate with empathy, heal emotional wounds, and explore your desires.

Each workshop is carefully crafted to foster a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment where you can explore, learn, and grow. Whether you're working on self-improvement, relationship building, or personal discovery, these workshops offer something for everyone.

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My Workshops

How to build a healthy relationship Practitioner Body Code Energy Healing Affirmations Life Coach near me
3 Hours

Manifest Anything you Want!

Experience the 3 step method for manifesting anything you want developed by Coah Grethe: Clarity, Alignment, Action!

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Emotion Code Practitioner Body Code Energy HealingAbundance Affirmations Life Coach near me
1.5 -2.5 hours

Boundary Discovery


Gain insight into your personal boundaries and preferences. This workshop is tailored to help you develop awareness of what feels right for you, setting the stage for future expression and assertiveness.

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How to build a healthy relationship with food Practitioner Body Code Energy Healing Life Coach near me
1.5 -2.5 hours

Compassionate Communication

Introduction to Non-Violent Communication. Learn to authentically express your emotions and needs, fostering deeper connections and resolving conflicts with empathy.

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How to build a healthy relationship with food Practitioner Body Code Energy Healing Life Coach near me
1.5 -2.5 hours

Release Your Heart Wall

Release trapped emotions and dismantle the subconscious walls around your heart through the Emotion Code®. Learn to reconnect deeply with yourself and others, opening the path to unconditional love and the freedom to follow your heart.

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How to build a healthy relationship with food Practitioner Body Code Energy Healing Life Coach near me
1.5 -2.5 hours

Tell me what you like - Discover your Erotic Blueprint

Learn about the five types of erotic blueprints—Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, Shapeshifter. Through direct exercises and discussions, you'll uncover your own arousal patterns to enhance personal awareness and intimate connections.

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Workshop Breakdown

Each Workshop in detail.

Clarity, Alignment, Action!

Learn the 3 step method for manifesting anything you want.

Clarity: Get crystal clear on exactly what you want. Because if you don't know what you want, that is exactly what you are going to get.

Alignment: Learn how you can get your subconscious mind into perfect alignment with your goal. Doing this makes sure your automatic behaviors bring you towards your goal and eliminates the need for willpower.

Action: Take small, impactful action and implement habits that will bring you towards your goal.


3-hour Group Workshop

Manifest Anything you Want

Best suited to people looking to understand how they can take control of their lives start manifesting exactly what they want in the different areas of their lives.

Interaction Level 1: You are with yourself and do not interact with others

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Draw your own lines.

Join the Boundary Discovery Workshop for a deep dive into understanding and setting your personal limits.

Through partner work and personal reflection, you'll identify what is and isn't acceptable in various aspects of your life, from home and work environments to relationships and personal space. The session aims to foster self-awareness, equipping you with the knowledge to recognize your personal boundaries and preferences.


>90-minute Group Workshop

Boundary Discovery

Best suited to people looking to understand what boundaries are, why they are important and how they will improve your relationships. Explore and express your own boundaries in different parts of your life.

Interaction Level 2: You will interact with other people that you might not know.

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Resolve Conflicts with Empathy

This workshop is an introduction to Non-Violent Communication. Practice taking responsibility for your emotions by attributing them to your needs.

The intention is to connect with ourselves and others in a way that makes compassionate giving natural. This is done by communicating our needs and emotions authentically. You will learn strategies to resolve conflict in a way where everyone’s needs are met. We will practice emergency empathy to diffuse conflict by creating connection, and we will practice connecting through emotions rather than logic.


>90-minute Group Workshop

Compassionate Communication

Best suited to people looking to Improve their communication skills. Learn to take responsibility for your feelings by attributing them to the needs that aren't being met.

Interaction Level 2: You will interact with other people that you might not know.

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What a magical retreat you pulled together! So much gratitude to you two for sharing your space, wisdom and heart with us. It is a bliss to be part of this weekend. The Quality of your space-holding is excellent. You are well in communicating, adjusting and respecting others needs and at the same time available, inclusive and caring. 

As a participant, I like that we had and we were verbally reminded by you about freedom to choose and not to judge others during interactions. That made me feel comfortable and safe. 

From the Connection Festival: My biggest learning with you was in the Emotion code, and Non-Violent Communication workshops. It was a high-level learning that I practice daily. You, your teachers, teachers of that teachers are deeply appreciated for that wisdom. 

Workshop & Retreat Participant

Break free from Heartbreak

When you experience heartbreak and heartache, the subconscious mind becomes very protective of your heart. In order to protect you from experiencing heartache again, it starts creating a wall around your heart. This wall protects you from getting hurt, but it also makes it harder to connect deeply with yourself and others. It prevents you from giving and receiving unconditional love, and from following your heart.

The Emotion Code® is an energy healing modality that anyone can learn. It allows you to find and release trapped negative emotions. Your heart wall is made of the energy of these emotions. By learning the Emotion Code®, you can release our heart wall, one emotion at the time. When you are free from your heart wall, you can finally follow your heart and connect deeply with yourself and others.

>90-minute Group Workshop

Release your Heart Wall with the Emotion Code®

Best suited to people looking to connect with yourself and others more deeply. Let go of the protective armour around your heart. Invite wonderful relations into your life. Discover your purpose and follow your heart.

Interaction Level 2: You will interact with other people that you might not know.

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Discover what Pleasure means to You

Explore the world of erotic blueprints, and discover the language of your arousal with 'Uncovering Erotic Blueprints'. In this interactive session, participants engage with the five erotic types—Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky, and Shapeshifter—through theory and tactile exercises.

It's a journey to self-discovery and improved relational intimacy, offering a safe space for playful and exploratory self-expression. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of your own and others' desires, equipped for richer, more fulfilling erotic experiences.

>90-minute Group Workshop

Tell me what you like - Discover your erotic blueprint

Best suited to people looking to discover what turns them on - through practical exploration. Experience different types of touch and notice how it affects you. Widen your pleasure horizon.

Interaction Level 3: Exercises that go on for a long time with the same person.

This workshop is also open to those who do not know each other very well.

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Wonderfully Clear Guidance

Grethe is a wonderful space holder who makes sure participants feel seen and safe. She gives clear instructions of how the exercises are to be done, and where to explore, guiding us very well. 

After the workshop I noticed an increased ability to recognize and express my boundaries and to stop people pleasing. Honesty, authenticity, self-connection and awareness in this area has improved. I also notice a greater ability to balance my responsibilities: Not taking on too much, or that which is not mine to action upon the moment. I am more aware of my own body’s likes, pleasures and dislikes related to sensuality and sexuality.  

Workshop & Retreat Participant

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Manifestation Coach and Energy Healer near me Oslo Jacksonville Emotion Code Body Code Belief Code

Meet Grethe, your Workshop Facilitator

My passion is learning and sharing the best hacks, tips and tricks to make the law of attraction work for YOU. My background in Biology (MSc in toxicology and 10+ years in Environmental Management) keeps me grounded in science. I have studied the Law of Attraction for 20 years, and I am certified in the energy healing modalities PSYCH-K®, Subconscious Release Technique (SRT) Emotion Code and Body Code. In my coaching practice, I bring science and spirituality together, to help my clients create Extraordinary Results That Last. 

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